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All news by: Kaityn Bedford

Opportunity And How It Relates to Fraud

In Part 2 of the series, we explored the “Why?” behind fraudulent behaviour by mentioning some of the potential motivations and pressures that could drive a perpetrator to commit fraud. We also proposed that should a potential fraudster lack the opportunity to commit fraud, then it would be likely that the act would go uncommitted. Therefore, we aim to provide some clarity on the “How?” that makes it possible for someone to commit fraud without getting caught.

The Motivations and Pressures Behind Fraudulent Acts

In following from Part 1 – An Introduction to the Fraud Triangle, Part 2 of the series aims to analyse one of the factors that constitutes the fraud triangle i.e., motivation/pressure. Perpetrators rationalise various motivations/pressures prior the commission of fraud1. These motivations could either be external influences, i.e., environmental ‘push’ factors, or internal impulses, or a combination of both, that stem from the perpetrator’s psychological makeup. Please refer here for Part 1 of the series.